What non profit organizations should I donate to over Christmas?
i love my llulu bell asked:
I am 15 years old, and this Christmas Instead of naming gifts i would like to receive, I would rather have my parents donate money to different organizations. Can any one give me any information on real, non profit organizations? Or good websites i can visit? Have you donated there before? If so, how was a the experience?
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You should donate to. I’m the Vice President of buildOn in my high school. On weekends we do community service throughout Bpt,Ct, one of many buildOn high school clubs. buildOn also raises money to build schools in developing countries. Please go on the website: to find out more information. Also, you should see if there is a buildOn chapter in your high school, its an amazing club where you can do community service, and do good for your community in other ways.
Core Activities
buildOn’s after-school programs engage youth in three core activities: community service, school construction sponsorship and global education.
Every week in every region, buildOn members actively volunteer in their own communities. Service work ranges from small groups of members to large-scale endeavors such as Regional Service Projects that attract hundreds of students throughout a particular region. Service work includes an incredible variety of activities such as:
* Tutoring elementary school students
* Volunteering at senior centers
* Serving meals at soup kitchens and homeless shelters
* Renovating community centers
* Environmental restoration and clean-up projects
Each buildOn program raises funds to sponsor the construction of primary schools in developing countries. Using bake sales, walk-a-thons, penny wars and other creative fundraisers, these youth actively engage in the work being done by buildOn in developing countries, even if they never leave their neighborhood.
Students also participate in regular Global Education activities to raise awareness of critical issues in developing countries and the importance of education in creating meaningful change. Timely topics with interactive video presentations are used during program meetings while members also enjoy cultural activities in their own communities.
First of all, I want to thank you for such a generous and wonderful thing you are doing. I also thank you for all the persons you will help by your kind generosity. I also thank your parents for raising such a wonderful person that you are and I am sure will be in your adult years. God “Bless You”
There are all kinds of organizations that are Non-profit ones that you could give to. I really believe that St. Jude is a very good organization. I contribute to this one myself. It helps children of all ages that have cancer and other kinds of illness that would not be helped if they didn’t go there. They will even put the families up. It is free of charge (because of donations) if the family can’t afford the medical help.
There is also an organization that is very good and you can go on the website and see what they do. They have recently become involved with helping Children with Cancer. The organization name is Caring-Choices. Go to Caring-Choices.com. It will show you what I am talking about.
PS: I’m 76 and collecting jackets for Veterans that are homeless, so I know about giving to those less fortunate than us. Good Luck to you and yours.
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Check out MysticRhoads.Com
They are an amazing non profit who raise money for Jamaican kids. They provide there poor rural kids with clothes and school supplies and tuition. They use 100 percent of donations towards the kids.